Sunday, September 2, 2012

For Sale 9-2-2012

The kits are now almost 9 weeks old, and it's time for them to find new homes.
Yesterday I sold my first rabbit, and I felt on top of the world! Success! 
One of the silver marked rabbits is on hold for Wednesday, and hopefully I'll sell the rest soon.

This guy, the only boy in Litter #1, has already found a new home as a pet. 
I hope you have a nice life!

This girl will hopefully have a new home like her brother on Wednesday. 
Good Luck!

The rest of the girls need homes also. 

If you are interested in getting one of these adorable babies, leave a comment, 
or you can find my ad on craigslist(type in rabbits and you should find it under Purebred Silver Marten Rabbits).

That's all for now!

-Marlayna B.

Rabbit Breeder Directories

There is a large rabbit community in the U.S and all over the world, and an easy way to stay connected and become more well known is to submit your rabbitry to a   breeder's directory. 

These directories usually list rabbitries by state and tell other information such as what breeds they have, their contact information and website (if they have one). 

In order to make my own operation well known in my area, I have submitted my rabbitry information to three popular online rabbit breeder's directories, which I have used in the past to find rabbitries near me.

These rabbit breeder directories are the ones I have submitted my rabbitry to. 
You can use them to find breeders in your state or country.
I would like to thank the people who have set up these websites for making it easier to find rabbits and breeders for everyone.

Thanks You!

-Marlayna B.